The diet secrets of Jennifer Aniston provide real weight loss solutions including what many of us need (except many of us do not realize it) which is a specific psychological edge, especially when it comes to what we put into our mouth.  This “edge” is the backbone of the diet secrets of Jennifer Aniston. 

I went to great lengths to find that specific psychological edge and I kept coming back to one word…control.  The diet secrets of Jennifer Aniston only become secrets when they work and they do, making sustained weight loss a personal evolving invention not a grinding monotonous fight.  See how the diet secrets of Jennifer Aniston can change your whole approach to weight loss.

What the diet secrets of Jennifer Aniston
taught me more than anything else, “Don’t you think you should be in control of one of the most important parts of your life?  Your health and how you look and feel?”  I wanted to continue to enjoy food and found that I could do that and more with the revolutionary STRIP THAT FAT weight loss system, which incorporates the diet secrets of Jennifer Aniston and offers a multitude of other strategies.  Check out some of what’s offered form the Strip That Fat system:

STF Diet Generator: Software that allows you to choose the foods you want to eat, plug it into the system and your diet is created for you which could be considered a key element missing from the diet secrets of Jennifer Aniston.

          A Muscle That You Can Build To Blast Weight Loss

          The "Secrets"  About Water

          Exactly Why Your Last Diet Didn't Work

          The Power 10 – 10 Foods You Need to "Love"

          How to Lose Weigth While Eating Out

STF Secret Dieting Guide: All the information and dieting strategies you will ever need.  Also, remember that the diet secrets of Jennifer Aniston make up only one of a multitude of different weight loss programs that can be tweaked to fit your own personality and body.

Now, let’s map out some of the other diet secrets of Jennifer Aniston.

Zone Diet: A method of balancing your hormones within a specific range to control hunger on fewer calories while still getting the proper nutrients your body needs for long-term health. It promotes consuming calories from carbohydrates, protein and fat in a ratio of 40%/30%/30%.  This combination is what makes-up the core of the diet secrets of Jennifer Aniston.

Workout routine: Besides the diet secrets of Jennifer Aniston she does two hours of pilates and yoga four-five times a week.  She also adds 30 to 45 minutes on a treadmill or elliptical machine and lifts free weights.

     Diet Secrets of Jennifer Aniston + Zone Diet + 40,000 strategies = STRIP THAT FAT

The diet secrets of Jennifer Aniston provide motivation and inspiration for me and millions of others because at one time she was told to lose 30 pounds if she wanted the role on Friends, so she understands the war against cellulite.  I use the diet secrets of Jennifer Aniston within the framework of the Strip That Fat weight loss system which contains all the information and dieting strategies to lose weight and keep it off.    

Find Out More About STRIP THAT FAT Weight Loss System 

                         Plus The Diet Secrets of Jennifer Aniston